How Swim Mentoring Could Help You

People often ask me questions about swimming:

  • How do I get used to swimming in colder water?
  • What wetsuit should I buy?
  • How can I swim straighter?
  • How do I get faster?
  • How can I keep going for longer?
  • What tactics should I adopt for my next event?
  • How do I stop myself getting out of breath?
  • How do I stop my goggles steaming up?
  • How can I combine training with a busy work and family life?
  • How do I build more swimming confidence?
  • What kit do I really need?

I’ve been answering questions like these and many others about outdoor swimming in Outdoor Swimmer magazine and on its website for more than a decade, and addressed many of them in my book, Swim Wild & Free: A Practical Guide to Swimming Outdoors 365 Days a Year.

But I’ve also found that swimmers often want more than a written answer. They have follow up questions, need help to create training plans, want to discuss event strategies, would like feedback and suggestions on their swimming technique or simply want to explore ideas about what to try next.

I therefore created Swim Mentoring as an additional way to share my love of swimming and years of outdoor swimming experience. In brief, I help and encourage people to become the swimmer they want to be. Swim Mentoring can include remote coaching with training sessions and plans, but it’s more than this. It’s a non-judgemental space to discuss your swimming worries and achievements, to explore dreams and create strategies to make them come true, and a practical means to help you make the most of the water.

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