Winter swim-booster course (2023/4)

Commit to a six-month personalised programme to help you achieve your swimming goals for 2024.
Receive expert advice to help you embrace everything outdoor swimming has to offer.
Swim further and faster, get fit for a swimming holiday, or explore winter swimming.
You choose what you want to achieve.

How it works

Over the course of 7 x 45-minute one-to-one swim mentoring via Zoom, you will:
  • Identify and clarify your swimming goals for 2024
  • Be supported through a personalised swimming development programme to work towards your goals
  • Get answers to all your swimming-related questions (e.g. what kit you might need, technique exercises, acclimatising to cooler water etc.)
In addition, you will receive a free copy of my book, Swim Wild & Free: A Practical Guide to Swimming Outdoors 365 Days a Year PLUS you will get access to Outdoor Swimmer Extra for the duration of the course.

What's covered in each session?

Session 1 - Set up

  • Review your swim history
  • Define and refine your swimming goals for 2024
  • Identify the resources you can access and any constraints on your swimming
  • Identify your training preferences

Sessions 2-6 - Progress

  • Review your goals and identify and issues, barriers or changes
  • Review your progress against your swim development plan
  • Consider any refinements and improvements
  • Answer any questions

Session 7 - Finish

  • Review overall progress for the course. How well did you do?
  • Discuss ideas for future development of your swimming
  • Final tips and suggestions
  • Outline event plan, if relevant

After each session I will send you a report including:
A summary of our discussion
A swim development plan for the next month
Any other swimming-related recommendations


Option 1: £75 per month (total £450)
Option 2: £425 in advance
(Payment by bank transfer preferred)
Please note: places are limited. Reserve your spot now.


Book a free 15-minute call to find out more or email me at

Why work with me?

Lifelong swimmer
Founder and publisher of Outdoor Swimmer magazine
Author of Swim Wild and Free: A Practical Guide to Swimming Outdoors 365 Days a Year
STA Open Water Coach and contributed to the development of their coaching course
I love helping people make the most of swimming

Who's it for?

This course is for you if you want to explore what else you can do with swimming whether that's taking part in your first open water event, building up to a longer distance swim challenge, training for a race or getting fitter for a swimming holiday. Ideally, you can already comfortably swim several hundred metres and can dedicate a few hours each week to swimming.

What others say

"Simon is naturally adventurous in the water; he is also encouraging and knowledgeable. He is a fantastic swim mentor as he generously imparts his experience, nudging me to expand my swimming horizons and suggesting fun challenges to embrace. A winter programme is the perfect way to focus your training for a specific event and to improve overall fitness. With Simon's guidance I have tweaked my stroke and I've improved my body position, reducing back pain when swimming front crawl but the main gain is the ambition and confidence he has given me to explore where my swimming can take me."